What should you know about radon in schools?
As the public becomes more aware of the hazards of radon, more parents are asking, “Is my child’s school exposing him to cancer-causing radon?” The result is a gradually increasing demand for radon testing in schools, even in states and locales that do not yet have school radon testing requirements.
What’s all the fuss about? Radon is an invisible and odorless gas, so it often falls into the “out of sight, out of mind” category. However, breathing this Class A carcinogen can lead to lung cancer, and it can be especially harmful to children. Due to the shape and size of their lungs, their breathing rate is more rapid than that of an average adult. In addition, children’s lungs are still developing. This is a risky combination when it comes to radon, since they are breathing this harmful gas at a quicker rate, resulting in an enhanced effect on their growing lungs.
Since 2014, the ANSI-AARST Standard “Schools And Large Buildings Measurements” (MALB-2014) has been recognized as the most up to date and inclusive school radon testing protocol available, and its use is recommended by the U.S. EPA, among other organizations and agencies. This standard takes the guesswork out of the school radon testing process and provides the guidelines for determining device placement, documentation and reporting, among other requirements.
Air Chek supports home inspectors every step of the way when it comes to school testing. For more information, go to our School Testing page at https://www.radon.com/schooltesting/.